
Back to the Future

The futuristic styling of Jillie Dionne is focused on creating a new idea glamor and freshness in high fashion.  Futuristic fashion idealizes geometrics, shapes, lines, and angles. The future direction of styling is sure to turn heads, open mouths and drop jaws in excitement and curiosity.

Jillie is headed back to the future, where fashion is just fashion- its a "fashion movement." Jillie is constantly moving forward to a new age 
checkered green and white mini
over sized checkered green &white blazer coat.

it's all in the 

eccentric 2 piece dress with intricate lines and details.

Jillie’s futuristic fashions make a bold statement. A statement that a Jillie Dionne Woman (JDW) is exciting, daring, and eccentric. This style is truly unforgettable and noticeable. One of the unique qualities about Jillie Dionne’s futuristic line of clothing is not the appealing style but its amazing comfort. Only the JDW with a strong personality is ready to make a strong statement with Jillie’s Galaxy like futuristic fashion.

    Taking it to the future stylistically also means making the materials green for the future. Jillie’s futuristic fashion uses natural fibers, natural cotton, bamboo fabric, and even recycle fabric to keep in the nature of going green and reserving for the future.


devastating blue paired with the ash grey

 Copy Right ©  Jillie Dionne 2010 
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